W-League Predictions – Round 5, 2021

Last weekend’s W-League games saw some strong football being played, including an impressive away victory to Adelaide in Perth, but the round was marred by Melbourne Victory supporters in the second derby of the season. Melbourne City keeper Tegan Micah’s strong performance in a 3-2 win earned herself a shower of bottles being thrown by a group of male Victory fans, a shameful display that showcases the fundamental differences between men’s and women’s supporter groups.

Four weeks in, we’ve reached the end of the original scheduling, and now we’re at the stage of having to piece things along. Because the return Perth vs Adelaide game hadn’t been in our original fixture list, we had to shuffle a few things around (fairly easy, considering that the W-League fixture beyond next weekend doesn’t seem to exist anymore). We got rid of an Adelaide-Melbourne City game, and a Perth-Brisbane one, leaving the latter two teams to have a return fixture of their own later in the season. Other replacements were made to incorporate Brisbane hosting Victory this week, and Sydney hosting Newcastle next week. So, while the projected ladder is much less likely to be accurate, there’s every chance that this week’s tips will be.

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