2019 Cricket World Cup Predictions – Match 6, England v Pakistan

We tipped the wrong side in yesterday’s game, with Bangladesh pinching an upset win over South Africa in the first close game of the World Cup. Both sides scored significantly more than we expected them to, so there’s a rise in offensive ratings for both. However, this also means defensive ratings fall for both teams, South Africa’s significantly more than Bangladesh’s.

The win for Bangladesh bodes well for the rest of the tournament, as they’re now tipped to finish fifth on the absolute ladder, just outside of the finals – unless they get another win somewhere. It gets even better, as the percentage ladder has them sneaking in past India.

Today’s game features a winner and a loser from the last set of matches – Pakistan hoping to improve on their showing against the West Indies, England aiming to show it wasn’t a one-off win against South Africa. We back England for another easy win.

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